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Ethical Fashion

Clothing that never goes out of style

In recent times, there has been outrage and a call for accountability in the world of fashion. From terrible working conditions to fleeting designs and low-quality materials, many fast fashion companies are guilty of all these and more. 

People are now paying more attention to the clothes they wear and how they were made. What conditions surrounded the creation of those clothes, what materials were used, and what inspired the designs? This sums up the questions that birthed the slow fashion vs fast fashion debate.  Ethical fashion is the design, production, and distribution of fashion items focused on reducing harm to people and the planet at large. 

It’s no longer hidden truth that when we buy a piece of clothing, we can affect the people involved in making those clothes either positively or negatively. In China and other Asian countries around the world, people are made to work in terrible conditions to produce fast fashion clothing. Fast fashion brands act under pressure to cut down costs by exploiting people, indulging in child labor, and cutting environmental corners. 

Apart from causing material waste, sweat factories are the backbone of the fast fashion industry. Workers are paid low wages as they work in hazardous conditions, and labor standards are ignored in a bid to bring the public cheap, low-quality clothing that will be out of trend next season.

Ethical Fashion
Ethical Fashion

Ethical fashion is the answer to the negative impact the world of fashion has on the planet and the people in it. With ethical production standards, workers will work in an environment that encourages creativity and originality of designs. Clothes produced ethically are usually timeless and unique; definitely not something you’ll find everywhere or on every social media platform. 

If you’re looking for fashion pieces that make you stand out, never goes out of style, and clothing you can rewear and pass down to your next generation, then consider sustainable fashion and ethical fashion.  While SSL is not yet fully sustainable we are working each day to integrate these practices. Ethical fashion brands like SSL center on creating their pieces locally, with skilled artisans, to design high-quality essentials and pieces that stand the test of time.

Materials and patterns are selected carefully for their beauty and most importantly for their quality. The major traits of ethical brands are; handmade, high quality, originality of designs, great working environment, transparency, and timelessness. 

Shivonne Subero Label is an ethical brand that focuses on creating high-quality essentials that never go out of style. All pieces of clothing are created in a fun environment that fosters love and soft work. You can confidently wear your clothing and style them in different ways for years knowing that ethical production standards were followed when they were made.